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opening hours: 8:00 - 21:00
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Find out contraindications
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created by ComeonDante
100% Contraindications

Infectious diseases, body temperature of 37 °C or higher, oncology, bleeding and blood clotting disorders (frequent nosebleeds, intestinal bleeding, uterine bleeding, stomach ulcers prone to bleeding), blood diseases, purulent skin conditions, arterial hypertension: 160/100 or higher, arterial hypotension: 80/60 or lower, acute allergic reactions, acute intestinal disorders, kidney, liver, lung, heart failure, syphilis, fresh burns, aneurysm, gangrene, active forms of tuberculosis, trophic ulcers, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, alcohol/narcotic intoxication, pregnancy (facial massage is permissible), within 14 days of tooth extraction, less than 30 days after minimally invasive surgeries, less than 30 days after natural childbirth, less than 60 days after a cesarean section, severe mental illness, acute musculoskeletal trauma (fractures, dislocations).

Local Contraindications

Varicose veins of stage 2 or higher, eczema, acne, fungal skin diseases, benign tumors, skin damage, endometriosis, herniated intervertebral discs in the acute phase, menstrual period in women (excludes work primarily with the lower back and abdomen).

Requires Consultation with a Doctor (a medical certificate may be required)

Presence of metal constructions in the body and foreign objects (screws, artificial joints, pacemakers), urolithiasis, cholelithiasis, tendency to high blood pressure, tendency to low blood pressure, epilepsy, autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, thyroiditis, psoriasis, etc.), diabetes mellitus, frequent dislocations, gynecological diseases (polyps, cysts, fibroids, erosions), postoperative period, post-stroke condition, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis with vessel occlusion over 20%, presence of injuries, presence of any other chronic disease in the acute phase.

*If contraindications are present, NAKED reserves the right to refuse to provide services.
** If the client has an allergic reaction to oil/cream or other cosmetic products used during massage procedures, the client is required to inform the therapist in advance.